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摘要:As Twitter Bootstrap is gaining popularity day by day and being used widely, so today we have decided to present a list of 30 Amazing Plugins to Extend Twitter Bootstrap for all our designer friends out there. The plugins in this list will let you achieve various different things. You will definitely find these plugins highly useful. So check them out and pick the ones you like the best.

Twitter Bootstrap is a famous and widely used front end framework for creating websites and apps. It is an open source and free toolkit that allows for quick and easy development of websites and apps. It boasts HTML and CSS-based design templates for various different developmental elements like typography, forms, charts etc. It is overall very consistent and easy to maintain.

It was launched in 2011 and since then it has seen a great increase in its user-base due to its simplicity, amazing features, responsive designs, easier and quicker development and ease of use. It offers a lot of useful jQuery plugins that can make your work a lot easier, an icon set, a complete styleguide documentation, LESS file etc. The best feature of Bootstrap is that it is highly extensible which makes it very desirable for developers.

As Twitter Bootstrap is gaining popularity day by day and being used widely, so today we have decided to present a list of 30 Amazing Plugins to Extend Twitter Bootstrap for all our designer friends out there. The plugins in this list will let you achieve various different things. You will definitely find these plugins highly useful. So check them out and pick the ones you like the best.

So without any further ado, here goes the list..

Bootstrap Maxlength

Bootstrap Maxlength

It is a lightweight plugin that allows detecting the HTML maxlength property of a textfield and shows a character counter. It helps the users to input only the allowed limit of characters in the textboxes.



It is a tiny JS library that allows creating dialogs in Bootstrap easily as it automates the process. It automatically creates the required markup for you and makes the work easy for you, as all you have to do then is to call a function.

Bootstrap Modal

Bootstrap Modal

This nice little plugin allows extending the default bootstrap modal class and making it responsive and adding the ability of loading their content through AJAX.

Bootstrap Form Wizard

Bootstrap Form Wizard

Long forms not only look harder to fill but also more complicated so the best thing to do is to split them into smaller chunks making them easier to handle. This is where this plugin comes to help as it does exactly that!



This plugin makes Bootstrap form validation a breeze. It can be integrated into your projects easily and quickly. All the validation rules are given as data attributes on the input elements. It is a handy plugin on the whole.

jQuery File Upload

jQuery File Upload

As the name suggests, this one is a file uploading plugin. It is a very efficient and handy plugin which comes with some really nice features. On the whole it is a really cool file uploading plugin for Bootstrap that offers a beautiful and colorful way of uploading files.



This one is an amazing collection of enhancements and offers controls such as file upload buttons, icons, form styles etc. Getting a version of bootstrap with changes incorporated is possible, as well as downloading them separately as plugins.

Bootstrap Timepicker

Bootstrap Timepicker

It is a beautiful plugin that allows turning your text fields into time selection controls. The best thing about it is that it is tough friendly so people using tough devices would not have any issue using it.

Bootstrap Datetime

Bootstrap Datetime

This date and time picker plugin allows turning a text field into a nice-looking date and time picker control. It is quite easy to use and customize.

Colorpicker for Bootstrap

Colorpicker for Bootstrap

It offers a traditional color picker, similar to the one offered by Photoshop. It lets you select the main color and specific hues. It is quite easy to use.



This table of contents plugin has the ability of scanning your page on DOMReady, finding headings, and creating a Bootstrap table of contents automatically.

Bootstrap Link Preview

Bootstrap Link Preview

This plugin allows creating a link preview similar to Facebook. It is lightweight and quite easy to use and offers a really cool functionality.

Tab drop

Tab drop

This awesome plugin allows hiding your tabs in a dropdown when they are not fitting properly in a single row. It is perfect for designing responsive websites as their look will be preserved when being accessed from various different devices with different screen sizes from very small to very big.

Pick a Color

Pick a Color

This addon offers a really cool and sophisticated color picker. Here you can choose colors through modification of one of the presets, or by selection of one saved earlier, or by creation of a color by modification the hue, saturation and lightness.



This plugin allows flipping elements for revealing further content with a beautiful and smooth CSS transition. The backside can have any content of your choice!



This plugin does what a tablecloth does: it makes your tables look beautiful. It offers a lot of different inbuilt styles. It even takes advantage of plugins like tablesorter internally for making table data sortable.

Bootstrap Lightbox

Bootstrap Lightbox

This plugin will help you create a lightbox and display a photo in it. It is lightweight and easy to use. You simply have to add HTML to the page, and voila! You will get a beautiful, responsive lightbox with an optional caption.

Bootstrap Tags

Bootstrap Tags

It helps you present search terms as tags in your search boxes enhancing their look and feel. It boasts support for filters, placeholders, popovers and autosuggest etc. It is a really nice plugin and offers various features.

Data Tables

Data Tables

This addon allows enhancing your tables a great deal by making them sortable and searchable easily and quickly. It is a very handy plugin.

Bootstrap Markdown

Bootstrap Markdown

This plugin does what its name suggests; it allows adding a markdown editing functionality easily and quickly to your projects.

Fuel UX

Fuel UX

This one offers enhancements to Bootstrap. The JavaScript controls provided are small, yet very tidy and make the Bootstrap look amazing. It allows for easy installation in web projects. It offers data-grids, spinners, trees, select boxes, multi-step form wizards etc.

Bootstrap WYSIHTML5

Bootstrap WYSIHTML5

This handy plugin is a great text editor that offers basic functionally of a text editor which will suffice the needs of most of the users.

Hover Dropdown

Hover Dropdown

It allows activating the framework’s dropdowns on hover in addition to click. This can help you enhance the overall look and feel of your website a great deal.

Color Palette

Color Palette

This tiny plugin can be easily integrated in your Bootstrap project. It offers a grid of color swatches upon focusing a text field. This plugin is easy to use and helpful.

Bootstrap Notify

Bootstrap Notify

This one is a handy extension for Bootstrap notifications that provides a great deal of customization of their looks and position on the screen etc.



This one is a great library that boasts quick and full-fledged auto-complete control for your website. It can be integrated easily and quickly. It has the ability to fetch auto-complete data through AJAX, caching and rate limiting etc. Most common selections are shown as hints.

Social Buttons

Social Buttons

This one is a beautiful collection of social sharing buttons created with Bootstrap and Font Awesome.  It makes them easy to incorporate into your design; plus scaling and styling them according to your requirements is very easy and quick.



This plugin allows creating an amazing guided tour for new users consisting of tooltips and overlays explaining the functions of your app. It offers a lot of different features and callbacks plus it is quite handy to use.

Eldarion AJAX

Eldarion AJAX

It allows extending bootstrap with automatic AJAX request handling. All you are required to do is adding ajax class to the button or link of your choice and leave the rest to the plugin! Submitting forms in the same way is also possible.

Bootstrap Growl

Bootstrap Growl

This plugin allows turning notifications into beautiful Growl-like alerts. It lets you customize notifications to a great extent and you can even select their position on the screen, dimensions offsets and time of fading out etc.

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